Monday, November 09, 2009

Control Systems

So, my friend Faraz Ahmad of Farfon, and I started thinking about how to improve the quality of information we receive, and the basics we identified initially were weather information, in and outside the tunnel.

Initially we have decided to use the I2C boards with temperature, pressure, humidity and light sensor. These are pre-fabricated. This'll help us get to speed quickly, and also save us from doing the pcb stuff. We've also ordered components, so that they can be added on a daughterboard to Farfon itself and we can build it from there.

The idea is to get the basics down, then add EC and PH for hydroponics use later.


No, Yawee, don't get your ears prickled. First step before the strawberry plugs are planted is to prepare the land. Now, we'd sent the soil and water to the good folks at Thokar, who charged us the massive amount of Rs11 for soil and water testing, the results are due back in 2 weeks. However, strawberries like slightly acidic (PH6-7), sandy soil, with lots of organic material and good drainage. This we seemed to have already, so Tariq (my main help at the farm) had the land prepared with a few turns of double-disc tractor, when the soil was nicely loose and pulverised, he made rows for plantation.

Unfortunately, he used the equipment available locally, which was suitable for onions and the like, but not for strawberries, and we decided eventually to redo the rows. We ran a begging to AWT for their beg maker, and rented it out for Rs 1000, who came promptly thanks to a kind word from the Colonel and in a matter of a couple of hours our beds were level, flat and wide. Ready for plantation.